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Hotels with Shark Nets in Hurghada

Hotels with Shark Nets in Hurghada

As of June 11th, swimming and diving in Hurghada are prohibited due to a shark attack. According to Egyptian and Russian authorities, a young Russian man was mauled to death by a shark in Hurghada. The man, named Vladimir Popov by Russian media, died after being attacked by a tiger shark in the waters near the city of Hurghada, Egypt‘s environment ministry said. Shark attacks are rare in the Red Sea coastal regions. However, in 2022, there were two fatal attacks in Hurghada within days, killing an Austrian and a Romanian tourist.

Shark nets do not create an exclusion zone between sharks and humans, and are not to be confused with shark barriers. Shark nets do not offer complete protection but work on the principle of “fewer sharks, fewer attacks”. They aim to reduce the occurrence via shark mortality.

Shark net meshing was developed by the New South Wales Fisheries in 1937, after a decade and a half of repeated shark attacks off Sydney beaches.

Here is the list of hotels with shark nets in Hurghada at the moment:

It is crucial to double-check the accuracy and currency of information regarding hotels with shark nets in Hurghada. Given the dynamic nature of such information, changes may occur over time due to various factors such as maintenance, renovations, or new installations.

To ensure the reliability of the information provided, we recommend reaching out directly to hotels for the most up-to-date and accurate information on hotels equipped with shark nets in Hurghada.

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