Panorama Airways starts operating flights from Tashkent to Sochi on February 24. Currently, flights to Uzbekistan are operated by two air carriers – Azimuth and Uzbekistan Airways.
“Flights of a new airline will start from Sochi airport to Tashkent. The main southern hub continues to increase its turnover in foreign directions, on February 17, a flight of a new airline from Uzbekistan Panorama Airways will land at Sochi airport,” commented at the operator of the Kuban airports GK “Aerodynamics”.
He said that flights will be carried out once a week – on Fridays. “All flights will be carried out on comfortable Airbus A320 airliners,” the company said.
On February 15, an aircraft of the newly created Uzbek airline Centrum Air, flying on the route Tashkent-Fergana, landed at Fergana International Airport. By tradition, the plane with 86 passengers on board was solemnly greeted with a water arch.