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Florence Bans Short-Term Tourist Rentals

The city of Florence in Italy has announced a ban on new short-term private rentals for tourists, such as those through Airbnb, in the historic city center. According to The Independent, the local government aims to make housing more affordable for permanent residents.

As one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy, Florence has faced housing depletion due to short-term rentals (less than 30 days). As a result, available housing in the historic center is often offered to tourists at high prices, depriving city residents of the opportunity to access affordable housing.

In Florence, there are approximately 11,000 properties available for short-term rentals. Interestingly, over 70% of the privately-owned properties offered for short-term rentals are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

It’s important to note that the ban will not affect the already registered 8,000 properties in the city center. It will only apply to those who intend to initiate short-term rentals for the first time.

Instead, the local government plans to offer tax incentives to property owners who opt for long-term rentals of their properties as an alternative solution.

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