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Street Begging

Luxembourg City Bans Street Begging

Earlier this month, a ban on street begging came into force in Luxembourg City. This means that people caught soliciting passersby for money will face fines of up to 250 euros, and even the possibility of spending several days in jail.

The new law makes it illegal to engage in street begging of any type between 7:00 and 22:00 in certain shopping streets, squares, and parks of Luxembourg City.

Curbing the practice has been reasoned to improve public security in busy urban spaces, especially with the discomfort and nuisance that aggressive beggars can cause to streetwalkers and shop owners.

The authorities said that if necessary “physical restraint will be applied” to the offenders and they will have to pay fines ranging between 25 and 250 euros. Failing to do so will mean ending up in jail for several days.

Controversial measure against street begging

The Luxembourg City Council tried to pass the anti-begging ordinance earlier in the spring of this year, however, it was blocked by the country’s interior minister Taina Bofferding. Even though it’s a municipal matter the approval of the national government’s department is necessary because enforcement of the measure would require placing more police officers on the streets to realize it.

Following elections two months ago, Luxembourg’s government changed and the new interior minister, Leon Gloden, found no issue with the proposed regulation and reversed the decision of his predecessor.

Nevertheless, other sectors of society did find an issue with the begging ban. Human rights organizations have argued that it is inhumane and adds redundancy to the existing national law against aggressive begging on private property and organized begging.

Police officers are also set to gain additional powers to clear public spaces of loiterers. They will also be equipped with body cams.


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