The largest city in the Arctic Circle in the world will take on a new face. New hotel, office and residential centers, cafes and restaurants, Arctic Museum and the long-awaited embankment will be opened on the shore of the Kola Bay in Murmansk.
At the same time, the administrative buildings of the plant and the hull workshop in the brutalist style will be preserved.
A theme park will be opened on the territory of the cultural and business center, demonstrating the peculiarities of the nature of the Murmansk region in the form of a pedestrian bridge connecting the embankment with the city center.
One of the highlights will be the observation deck – lighthouse at a height of 40 meters.
Только по предварительным подсчетам за счёт реализации «Нового Мурманска» в 3 раза будет увеличен ежегодный турпоток. А также этот проект создаст более 3 тысяч рабочих мест.
The municipality of Murmansk plans to increase the annual tourist flow by 3 times and create more than 3 thousand jobs due to the new project. The implementation of the project will increase the attractiveness of Murmansk as a cultural and business center of the Arctic region and an important northern port, increase the tourist flow and improve the quality of the urban environment.
The project involves the unification of the sea, railway, and bus stations into a single transport hub. The estimated cost of the renovation will be about 15.5 billion rubles ($205 million).
On June 3, the Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrey Chibis and the General Director of Accor in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and the CIS Alexis Delaroff signed an agreement on the implementation of international hotel projects on the sidelines of the project.