According to Riivo Tuvike, Chairman of the Management Board at Tallinn Airport, these are currently the destinations, from where it is also possible to fly back to Estonia. Airlines have cut back frequencies on these routes, however currently still continue flying.
“At the same time, I would like to underline that this information changes in hours. I recommend following the flight plan on the website of the airport and be in contact with your travel agency or airline. The main thing is – think it through whether you have to travel just now,” said Tuvike.
“At the moment we are talking about temporary closure of routes, temporary suspension of scheduled flights and postponing the opening of new routes. We are in contact with the airlines on a daily basis and are ready to restore the servicing of flights based on the previous flight schedule,” Tuvike confirmed. “The airport will remain open for the passengers and for commercial, medical and private flights. As an airport, we serve as an important gate and for us, it is important to make sure that Estonians can get home and the people wishing to leave, could get elsewhere in Europe.
The number of passengers arriving at and departing from the Tallinn Airport has dropped at an average of 19 per cent over the two weeks. This decline in the number of passengers was evident already in the last weeks of February. “The final effect of the crisis on the number of travellers will become clear in the second half of summer, when we hope to witness already the increasingly restoring routes and growing number of passengers, “Tuvike added.
The airport has invested into ensuring the safety of its employees as well as the passengers. The terminal is being cleaned more frequently than before, also an additional quantity of disinfectants has been made available to the passengers and employees. Temporary protective glass has been mounted to the check-in and lost & found counters to protect the passengers and employees.