In recent years, the world has seen a rise in shark attacks on tourists who venture into the sea or ocean for a swim. Alarmingly, these dangerous predators are increasingly entering the waters of established beaches.
Based on data from the International Shark Attack File, the Daily Express has compiled a list of eight countries where tourists are most frequently attacked by sharks. The statistics consider only unprovoked shark attacks, meaning instances where there was no human provocation, such as attempts to touch or feed the sharks.
Countries with the Most Frequent Shark Attacks
In 2023, the USA recorded the highest number of shark attacks with 36 unprovoked incidents, two of which were fatal. Florida is the most affected state, accounting for 44% of the total bites in the country. Notably, earlier this month, three swimmers were attacked by sharks in Florida in two separate incidents. Most shark attacks in Florida are by bull sharks or blacktip sharks, primarily near sandbars where they like to feed. Tourists are urged to exercise extreme caution.
This country, often associated with sharks, saw 15 unprovoked shark attacks in 2023, with four resulting in fatalities. Most attacks in Australia involve bull sharks, tiger sharks, oceanic whitetip sharks, and great white sharks. The deadliest year for shark attacks in Australia was 2020, with six fatalities. Tourists are advised to avoid swimming and surfing at dawn or dusk when sharks are most active and humans are less visible to them. Several Australian beaches have implemented shark control measures.
New Caledonia
In recent years, shark attacks have increased on this French territory in the Pacific Ocean. In 2023, there were three unprovoked shark attacks, one of which was fatal. New Caledonia even banned swimming in its capital last year following an unprecedented number of shark attacks.
In 2023, Brazil recorded three unprovoked shark attacks, none of which were fatal. The waters of Brazil are home to three of the most dangerous sharks: the tiger shark, the bull shark, and the great white shark.
Known as a top diving destination, Egypt’s waters are inhabited by dangerous predators like tiger sharks. In 2023, Egypt experienced two unprovoked shark attacks, one of which was fatal.
In 2023, there was one unprovoked shark attack in the Bahamas, which resulted in a fatality. While shark attacks in the Bahamas are rare, bull sharks are present in the waters.
In 2023, Mexico saw one unprovoked shark attack, which was fatal. Although shark attacks are relatively rare in this popular tourist destination, it is important to note the presence of great white sharks in its waters.
South Africa
In 2023, there were two unprovoked shark attacks in South Africa, neither of which were fatal. Most attacks in South Africa involve tiger sharks, bull sharks, and great white sharks.
Expert Insights
Experts point out that most sharks do not pose a threat to humans, and there is little evidence that sharks ever actively hunt people. Scientists believe that sharks prefer to eat fish rather than humans. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the USA, only about a dozen of the 300 shark species have ever attacked humans.