Over the coming month, Schiphol will be carrying out maintenance works on the Polderbaan Runway and Kaagbaan Runway. The annual routine maintenance will be carried out on both runways in the space of one week. The runways will be unavailable for air traffic while the works are going on. This will have an effect on aircraft noise in the local area.
Every year, runways undergo routine maintenance that involves replacing the top layer of asphalt and restoring markings where needed, cleaning and inspecting the rainwater drains, checking the cabling and electrics, and cutting the grass on surrounding fields. These works, done in conjunction with Heijmans, are carried out in various shifts. In order to ensure that the runways are not unavailable for longer than is absolutely necessary, the works go on 24 hours per day.
Maintenance Polderbaan Runway
From the morning of Monday 31st August to the afternoon of Saturday 5th September, maintenance works will be carried out on the Schiphol Polderbaan Runway. More air traffic is expected on the Zwanenburgbaan Runway during this period, also at night. An exemption has been obtained for night-time air traffic. The Buitenveldertbaan Runway may also be used more frequently.
Maintenance Kaagbaan Runway
From the morning of Monday 21st September to the evening of Saturday 26th September, maintenance works will be carried out on the Kaagbaan Runway. While this is going on, more landings are expected on the Aalsmeerbaan Runway and Zwanenburgbaan Runway. The runways Aalsmeerbaan, Buitenveldertbaan and Zwanenburgbaan will be used more often for take-offs.
Local residents can contact BAS (Bewonersaanspreekpunt Schiphol) for more information about air traffic during these maintenance works. BAS is where you can go to get information about air traffic at Schiphol and to file complaints. You can do this by calling 020-6015555 or by visiting the website (Dutch language only).
Schiphol is now offering a new service for transfer travellers with a short connection time to get through the queues faster.