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shark attack

Four Beachgoers Injured in Shark Attack in Texas

In a rare and alarming incident, a shark attacked four beachgoers in the state of Texas. Shark attacks are uncommon, and Texas experiences fewer incidents than states like Florida and California.

The first attack occurred around 11 a.m. local time. One man sustained a severe leg bite, received immediate assistance, and was transported to the hospital. The predator also bit a second person, injured a third, and wounded a fourth who attempted to fend off the shark.

The shark, estimated to be about 6 feet in length (over 1.8 meters), is believed to be responsible for all the attacks, which took place over a span of two hours. Local authorities deployed helicopters and drones to monitor the predator. Reports indicate that the shark swam into open waters following the attacks.

Shark attacks on humans are generally rare, with the likelihood of being bitten by a shark extremely low. Experts advise swimmers to avoid areas with large schools of fish, where sharks typically feed. Staying close to the shore and swimming in groups can increase the chances of spotting a shark fin in time to react.

Murky water can hinder sharks’ ability to distinguish between humans and their usual prey, and swimming during twilight hours is considered riskier since sharks often feed at these times.

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