With an extensive package of measures to protect against infection, Munich Airport is preparing for a rebound in air traffic and increasing passenger figures. This will ensure travel remains safe at Munich Airport.
Travelers will be informed of rules of conduct through regular announcements, posters, video screens, and heavier staff presence. The frequency of cleaning will be increased and surfaces will be disinfected in all areas of the airport where passengers linger. Hand sanitizer dispensers will also be provided for passengers. Passengers and employees are required to wear face masks at Munich Airport effective immediately. The obligation to wear masks was mandated by the authorities, and it applies in all airport terminal buildings, i.e. in area A through E of Terminal 1, central area Z, area F, and throughout Terminal 2 as well as its satellite building.
At check-in, the security check, and in other areas where passengers can become backed up, lines and floor markings are used as wayfinding to ensure passengers adhere to the minimum distances. Plexiglas panels have also been installed wherever passengers and employees are in direct contact. In order to prevent lines from forming, all passengers are advised to check in online if possible. There is a new service for passengers in Terminal 2. It houses six vending machines – four prior to security and two in the gate area – that can be used to purchase face masks, disinfectant wipes, and other sanitary products.
“We anticipate that as the coronavirus restrictions are eased, the demand for air travel will rise and supply on the airline side will increase again. At the same time, we strive to offer the highest safety to passengers and employees while also providing travelers with the high standard of service they are accustomed to,” explains Jost Lammers, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen München GmbH.