Today, Monday, March 11, 2019, Patrick Alexandre, EVP Commercial, Sales & Alliances at Air France-KLM and Christian Mantei, Managing Director of Atout France, signed a partnership agreement to strengthen the joint actions of Air France and Atout France to promote France as a destination.
The partnership agreement signed today is in line with the desire to further strengthen the long-standing collaboration between Atout France and Air France to promote France on international markets.
The agreement provides for several joint promotional and information actions highlighting the diversity of French tourism, with the aim of developing tourism at various different French destinations while strengthening the service offered to Air France customers.
In 2018, Air France contributed to France’s reputation as a tourist destination by carrying 12.1 million customers to and from the country, including 8.3 customers to and from Paris and 3.8 customers to and from the French regions. Atout France has organized more than 2,700 events to promote French destinations abroad, trained 25,000 professionals and organized more than 2,000 press conferences in France.
Among the actions jointly defined are several visits by international journalists and professionals to France, the provision of information (magazines, brochures, etc.) to the general public, communication campaigns and training operations for international professionals.
Air France is also a major partner of the Rendez-vous en France exhibition that Atout France is organising on March 19 and 20 in Marseille. On this occasion, the company is providing air travel for more than half of the 950 international buyers invited, by making more than 700 tickets available. Last year, as part of the promotional actions requested by the Interministerial Tourism Council, Air France and Atout France also organised a joint promotional campaign for France on three markets (Brazil, China and Japan), with the aim of extending it in 2019.
Patrick Alexandre, EVP Commercial, Sales & Alliances at Air France-KLM said: “I am delighted that we have renewed our partnership with Atout France. By developing joint actions to increase the number of tourists, not only to Paris, but also to our French regions, we are committed to maintaining France’s attractiveness at the heart of our commercial strategy.”
Christian Mantei, Managing Director of Atout France: “In the current social context, which has an impact on everyone in the tourism industry, the agreement we are signing today with Air France is a strong signal. The actions deployed will make it possible to support activity in Paris, the Paris region and all French destinations. The benefits of this collaboration will benefit the entire sector.”