Belarusian airline Belavia is opening a new line this year, on May 30th – Minsk-Tallinn-Minsk. Flights will take place four times a week by comfortable Emraer 175 aircrafts with 76 seats, and the flight lasts 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Direct connection with Belarus has been of interest for the Airport already for a long time, and according to the commercial director of the Airport, the air connection between Tallinn and Minsk was established rather quickly. “We have met Belavia several times, and we are glad the new line will be opened namely now. In addition to the direct flights to Minsk, with this line Belavia opens important transit options for our fliers namely to Russia, Ukraine and Kasakhstan, which so far have been less available from Tallinn,” said Eero Pärgmäe, commercial director of Tallinn Airport.
The new airline creates a stronger basis for increased cooperation between the Estonian and Belarusian companies. Pärgmäe added that the airline will initially start flights with the frequency corresponding to the market demand, and when the demand increases, the airline is ready to increase the frequency to create a daily connection.
Tickets are already being sold for the line to be opened on May 30th, and the prices for return tickets start from EUR 178.
More information about the flight tickets is available in the web page of Belavia, detailed information about the flight schedule is available from the web page of Tallinn Airport