30,298,531 travellers made 2018 a very busy year for Copenhagen Airport. This was a total of 1.1 million travellers more than the previous year. The activity level meant that the number of days with more than 100,000 travellers increased from 18 to a whopping 49.
“We have further expanded the airport in order to continue to give passengers a positive experience, even on the very biggest travel days with up to 110,000 travellers. Among other things, the security checkpoint has been doubled in size while the staff have optimised how they work and planning,” says Johnnie Müller, Security Manager.
Overall, the average security checkpoint waiting time throughout the year was 3.9 minutes. On 25 June, the busiest day of the year with 109,399 passengers, the average waiting time reached 6:06 minutes.
On the next two days on the list of busiest days of the year, the average security checkpoint waiting time was 2:33 and 4:04 minutes.
“A couple of years ago, the heavy travelling days were somewhat of a challenge for us, and we did receive some justified criticism for this. We have both listened and acted, and the short waiting times in 2018 mark a good result, both for travellers and airlines,” says Johnnie Müller.
Security checkpoint staff have taken on the heavy responsibility of planning their own workday in a way which has resulted in great flexibility and very stable operations.
“It is, simply put, very impressive that the staff have managed to improve security checkpoint processes and at the same time create extra time to provide passengers with excellent service. On top of this, the additional space gives more light and air which benefits both travellers and employees,” according to Johnnie Müller.