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Travel Accessories

Must-Have Cool Travel Accessories

Do you have a vacation coming up, or maybe you’re just planning one? Either way, you might be wondering what to pack for a trip. Find out our curated list of cool travel accessories that will make you save money, time and luggage space.


A large scarf can serve any number of purposes: to keep warm, dress up an outfit, covering up for temples, churches, or use as an extra blanket…

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Stainless steel water bottle 

Whether it’s at a beach or just walking around town, staying hydrated can be a challenge for travelers. For when you don’t want any plastic touching your drink, bring a water bottle to refill with tap water. This bottle provides easy ice filling and fits most cup holders.

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Foldable Reusable Bag

Waterproof, reusable, lightweight and foldable, this bag can be used as a beach bag, to hold extra souvenirs when bought too many, to put extra cloth and use it for groceries when finally home.

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Flip Flops

Flat, water resistant, they don’t take much space in luggage and can be useful for a beach and to protect your feet in the shower or a hotel floor you’d rather not step on.

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We all know the importance of applying and wearing sunscreen…

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Foldable Down Jacket

Ultralight and water repellent, packable warm down jacket like this is perfect for traveling. Can be used as a pillow when packed.

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Clear Travel Toiletry Bag

Airlines require that liquid product in carry on luggage can be no more than 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) and all bottles must fit in a clear quart size ziplock bag. Fully compliant with the rules and regulations of all airlines this bag makes traveling and passing through domestic and international security quick and easy.
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Silicone Refillable Travel Containers

Easy to refill and even easy to squeeze out the last bits, space-saving and reusable, it will make your luggage lighter. 

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